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Focusing on the needs and goals of every learner – that is the motto of the individual training courses offered by Vion Infotech, because different courses and processes call for specific know-how that can vary widely from one company to another. Together with you, Vion Infotech experts develop and design a tailor-made training courses. You participate in determining the contents, dates, duration and location of the training courses. Whether directly at your premises, on your machine, or centrally at Vion Infotech group locations, the focus is always on the practical benefits.
Together with your employees, the IDL trainers work directly onsite / offshore and pass on their know-how. Our experienced experts thus ensure optimum learning success with maximum practice orientation and applicability. Do you want to convey your own expertise in a way that is fascinating yet clearly understandable? We are your ideal partner here as well. That’s because Vion Infotech offers you in-depth insights into the key methods, systems, and techniques of on-the-job training. Learning processes and groups develop their own dynamics. To ensure teaching success, it’s vital to recognize, understand, and steer these processes. There is another crucial focus in this training: presentation methods and visualization that transfer learning contents in a precise, crystal-clear way. Included here are hands-on exercises that give you the opportunity to apply and reflect on what you learn.
70% of employees today prefer courses and instructors from IDLInfotech Learning.